Connecting a Subdomain

Using the panel, connecting a subdomain.


This guide will go over how to connect your own subdomain to your minecraft server so that you can mask the IP address and port. In the example, we'll be using Cloudflare as our DNS for creating the necessary records for this to work properly. You'll also need a domain to use for it.

Simplified Steps

  1. Go to your DNS

  2. Create an 'A Record'

  3. Create an 'SRV Record'

  4. Restart your Server

Step #1 - Creating an 'A Record'

This is what will allow you to mask your Minecraft server's IP address. This won't mask your port though, so you'll need to create an SRV record for that to work which we'll go over in the next step. Firstly though, head over to your DNS and start by clicking "Create new Record". Select type A and then set the name to what you want the subdomain to be, for example you could do "mc". Then set the "IPv4 Address" as your Server's address but without the port. Set the TPL to auto and Proxy Status to off.

Step #2 - Creating an 'SRV Record'

This is the second part for masking your Minecraft's server's IP address. This will let your players connect without having to input the port. Essentially, after this you'll be able to connect to your Minecraft using only your subdomin. First off, click to add a new record then select "SRV". After that, copy the values from the screen shot below into the required fields. Replace with your subdomain that you chose when we were completeting Step #1. Then change the 'Port' to your server port.

🎉 ~~ All Done ~~ 🎉

Now after you've done all of that, you can go over to Minecraft and give your new subdomain a try! If you encounter any issues when you're going through these steps due to a different layed out DNS, feel free to open a ticket on our Website or LiveChat and our support team will help you to the best we can.

This guide has been confirmed to be helpful.

Last updated