Uploading World Files

Using the panel, uploading world files


This guide will go over uploading a world for your Minecraft server. This guide may take a little longer than some others, but before we begin make sure that you have the correct world files in a .zip on your local machine (computer), and then we can begin this tutorial!

Simplified Steps

  1. Upload your world (.zip format)

  2. Extract the contents

  3. Edit the server.properties file

  4. Restart your Server

Step #1 - Uploading a World

The first step of changing your world file is uploading the world file you want to be your primary world onto your server so that your server can access it and use it as the default world when starting your Minecraft server. If you do not know how to upload files to your server, check out our how to use the panel guides or open a ticket in our Support Discord.

Ensure you upload the file to the main folder on the file manager.

Step #2 - Extracting the ZIP File

Assuming your world is in a .zip format, you need to extract it. This is fairly easy though, do not worry. Just click the three dots next to the .zip file in your server's file manager and select 'Extract'. Your world will now be in a folder format, this means your server can use it's files. Please note that our panel cannot extract .rar zipped files, so only use .zip.

Step #3 - Editing Server Configuration

Now you have extracted your ZIP file, your server knows how to read the world folder but it does not know what to do with it. You need to tell your server to load this world up by default. Before we start editing the server configuration, we need to know the name of the folder where the world files are inside. This will be the name of the folder you got when you extracted the .zip.

Now you've noted your world file name, you need to open your server.properties file and you will see you are now in a text editor interface. You need to find the line that starts with level-name= and edit the text after the equals sign to be the name of the world folder, the one you noted down earlier.

Step #4 - Restarting your server

Upon changing your world file, you need to restart your server. This is a fairly simple process and can be done by navigating to the console tab on your server and clicking "Restart".

Last updated